Mrs Stacie Elliott - Inquiry Conducted

15 September 2022

Harness Racing New South Wales (HRNSW) Stewards conducted an Inquiry yesterday in relation to the following matters involving licensed Trainer, Mrs Stacie Elliott:

  • A report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Ethacrynic Acid was detected in the post-race urine sample taken from ENEMY LINES following its win in race 3, the MATES 4 HARNESS PACE (1609 metres) conducted at Newcastle on Monday 28 February 2022;

The reserve portion and control solution were confirmed by Racing Analytical Services Limited (RASL) in Victoria.

  • Vials located in her motor vehicle at Tamworth Paceway on Thursday 7 October 2021;
  • The use/possession of unregistered products and/or treatment of horses, involving telephone communication with Mr Nathan Carroll.

Licensed Trainer Mrs Stacie Elliott and HRNSW Regulatory Veterinarian Dr Martin Wainscott were present and provided evidence to the Inquiry. The following documents were also entered into evidence:

  • Certificates of Analysis from ARFL and RASL;
  • Results of analysis for samples obtained from Mrs Elliott’s registered training establishment and the vials located at Tamworth Paceway;
  • Telephone records.

Mrs Elliott pleaded guilty to three (3) charges issued by HRNSW Stewards pursuant to the Australian Harness Racing Rules (AHRR) as follows:

Charge 1-                  Pursuant to AHRR 190 (1), (2) & (4)

AHRR 190.  (1)  A horse shall be presented for a race free of prohibited substances.

(2)  If a horse is presented for a race otherwise than in accordance with sub rule (1) the trainer of the horse is guilty of an offence.

(3)  If a person is left in charge of a horse and the horse is presented for a race otherwise than in accordance with sub rule (1), the trainer of the horse and the person left in charge is each guilty of an offence.

(4)  An offence under sub rule (2) or sub rule (3) is committed regardless of the circumstances in which the prohibited substance came to be present in or on the horse.

Charge 2-                  Pursuant to AHRR 194 (as at 30 October 2020)

AHRR 194.  A person who:

(a)  Procures or attempts to procure;

(b)  Has in his possession or on his premises or under his control;

(c)  Administers or attempts to administer;

any substance or preparation that has not been registered, labelled, prescribed or obtained in compliance with relevant State and Commonwealth legislation is guilty of an offence.

Charge 3-                  Pursuant to AHRR 194 (as at 21 October 2016)

AHRR 194.  A person who procures or attempts to procure or who has in his possession or on his premises or under his control any substance or preparation that is not registered in accordance with either State or Commonwealth legislation is guilty of an offence.

In relation to the charges, HRNSW Stewards issued the following penalties:

Charge 1-                  12 months disqualification to commence immediately;

Charge 2-                  $2,000 fine;

Charge 3-    HRNSW Stewards have not finalised the matter of penalty in relation to this offence at this time.

In considering penalty HRNSW Stewards were mindful of the following;

  • Mrs Elliott’s involvement as a licensed Trainer since 1995/1996;
  • Mrs Elliott’s first prohibited substance offence for which she has had a conviction recorded and a penalty imposed;
  • Class 2 Prohibited Substance;
  • Mrs Elliott’s guilty pleas;
  • The circumstances in relation to these specific matters;
  • The impact of a disqualification upon Mrs Elliott from a personal perspective, together with her family’s financial situation.


Acting under the provisions of AHRR 195, ENEMY LINES was disqualified from the abovementioned race.

Mrs Elliott was advised of her right to appeal these decisions of the HRNSW Stewards.

As a result of the number of horses that were being trained by Mrs Elliott, HRNSW Stewards have allowed her until 4pm on Wednesday 21 September 2022 for those horses to be dispersed.


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