COVID-19 Updates

16 Jul 2020
[NSW] Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Return to Regionalisation
HRNSW will return to the regionalisation of racing from midnight on Sunday 19 July 2020 as a precautionary measure and to facilitate the continuation of harness racing in NSW. HRNSW is extremely mindful of the impact that the return to regionalisation will have upon individual participants, however,...
15 Jul 2020
[QLD] QLD - Updated COVID-19 Protocols
Following changes to the QLD Governments list of COVID hotspots, Racing Queensland has updated its COVID-19 industry protocols. Click here to access the protocols.
15 Jul 2020
Following recent developments with regards to COVID-19 in NSW, HRNSW Stewards advise that any licensed participant who has attended any of the following premises as identified by the NSW Government (current as at 2pm this date) are directed to immediately contact HRNSW Stewards: Location Dates Casula:...
8 Jul 2020
[NSW] HRNSW – COVID-19 Restrictions and Protocols - Interstate Travel
On 2 July 2020 HRNSW provided an update to the COVID-19 Restrictions and Protocols. Following further consideration of the current COVID-19 climate by HRNSW, the following Protocols and Restrictions will be implemented effective from 10 July 2020: Nomination of Horses Trained Interstate: HRNSW will not...
6 Jul 2020
[QLD] QLD COVID-19 Protocols Update - including inter-state participants
Inter-state Participants Inter-state participants will no longer be required to complete a mandatory 14-day quarantine period before accessing licensed training and racing facilities in Queensland from this Friday. In line with the Queensland Government’s border restrictions, inter-state participants...
3 Jul 2020
[NSW] Interstate Travel – Compulsory Quarantined Period
Effective immediately, the following Protocols will apply to Interstate Travel. Any Harness Racing Participant entering NSW following interstate travel for any reason is required to immediately notify HRNSW Stewards, and will be required to quarantine for a period of 14 clear days once returning to NSW....
1 Jul 2020
[WA] WA - Advice re North Eastern Districts Council Derby (1st August 2020)
Due to the disruptions to racing opportunities in the North Eastern Districts due to the COVID -19 pandemic the strict conditions surrounding eligibility for this race have been reviewed. RWWA is aware that horses may have been transferred outside the Council area to ensure that their preparation continued...
25 Jun 2020
[WA] WA - Pinjarra Trials Return to Normal
Further to the WA Premier's announcement of the implementation of Phase 4 of the roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in WA the Pinjarra Harness Racing Club will return to their normal trial roster in July. Commencing 5th July Pinjarra will conduct trials three weeks out of every month.
24 Jun 2020
[WA] WA - Racing Returns to the Central Wheatbelt
Following the announcement by the WA Government regarding Phase 4 of the roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in WA, race meetings and trials will be able to re-open to the public under certain conditions. As a result, our racing venue footprint, which was reduced to three race clubs in March and extended...
24 Jun 2020
[WA] WA - Racing Returns to Wagin
Following the announcement by the WA Government regarding Phase 4 of the roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in WA, race meetings and trials will be able to re-open to the public under certain conditions. As a result, our racing venue footprint, which was reduced to three race clubs in March and extended...