Explanation of Stewards Comments (Victoria)
(L) last
1 leader at bell
10 1 out 4 back at bell
11 6 back on the pegs at bell
12 1 out 5 back at bell
13 7 back on the pegs at bell
14 1 out 6 back at bell
15 8 back on the pegs at bell
16 1 out 7 back at bell
17 tailed off at bell
2 outside leader at bell
3 behind leader at bell
3W 3 wide throughout
3WE 3 wide early
3WET 3 wide early with trail
3WL 3 wide latter
3WLNC 3 wide late no cover
3WLT 3 wide late with trail
3WLWC 3 wide late with cover
3WM 3 wide middle
3WMT 3 wide middle with trail
3WT 3 wide trail
4 1 out 1 back at bell
4W 4 wide
4WE 4 wide early
4WL 4 wide late
4WLNC 4 wide late no cover
4WLWC 4 wide late with cover
4WM 4 wide middle
5 3 back on pegs at bell
5WE 5 wide early
6 1 out 2 back at bell
7 4 back on the pegs at bell
8 1 out 3 back at bell
9 5 back on the pegs at bell
AB at the bell
AF Atrial Fibrillation
B broke
BAS broke after start
BB began badly
BCL barrier caught legs
BCS barrier caught sulky
BG broke gear
BK bucked
BL 800 metres
BLD1 bled 1st time
BLD1SD3M1T bled 1st time sd 3 months 1 trial
BLD2 bled 2nd time
BLED1NOS bled 1 nostril stood down 1 trial
BMD back in mobile draw
BO began badly
BOTF began badly and trailed field
BS broke at start
BSD back in stand draw
BSU broke in score up
BUP broke under pressure
BW buckled wheel
BX2 broke twice in running
BX3 broke three times in running
C checked
CAS checked after start
CB checked and broke
CBAS checked and broke after start
CBT contacted barrier tape
CD choked down
CF crossfired
CFS caused false start
CFSX2 caused false start twice
CI caused interference
CLM claimed
CMP contact marker pegs
CODM continue ODM
CODS continue ODS
COS Contacted own sulky with hindlegs
COT change of tactics
COTFB change of tactics further back
COTFF change of tactics further forward
COTHL change of tactics hold lead
COTLA Changeof Tactics Less Aggressively
COTMA Change of tactics more aggressively
COTSL change of tactics surrender lead
CP cast plate (lost shoe)
CR condition reported
CRODM continue RODM
CRODS continue RODS
CS checked at start
CSU checked score-up
CTBA contacted barrier arm
CTS contacted sulky
CTSSU contacted sulky score up
CWE caught wide early
D/CAT driver cautioned incorrect attire
D/CBOCS driver cautioned - body outside sulky
D/CC driver cautioned crossing
D/CCBT driver cautioned contacting barrier tape
D/CCD driver cautioned careless driving
D/CCMP driver cautioned contacted marker pegs
D/CCON driver cautioned conduct
D/CCP Driver cautioned candy pole
D/CDC Driver Cautioned Dress Code
D/CDF driver cautioned dropped foot
D/CDH driver cautioned dropped hands
D/CDS driver cautioned delayed start
D/CDSO driver cautioned disobeying stewards ord
D/CDSTO driver cautioned disobey starters order
D/CDWIR driver cautioned driving where insuffici
D/CE driver cautioned evidence
D/CEP driver cautioned easing pace
D/CFDH driver caution fail to drive out horse
D/CFE driver cautioned giving false evidence
D/CFNCT caution failure to notify change tactics
D/CFRHCG driver caution restrain to correct gait
D/CFTW driver cautioned failure to weign-in
D/CG driver cautioned gear
D/CHC driver cautioned half carting
D/CIP driver cautioned improper behaviour
D/CIW driver cautioned improper use of whip
D/CJ driver cautioned jostling
D/CL driver cautioned language
D/CLAR driver cautioned looking around
D/CLC driver cautioned lack of control
D/CLCI driver cautioned late check in
D/CLG driver cautioned late gear adjustment
D/CLJ driver cautioned lack of judgement
D/CLR driver cautioned loose reining
D/CLRE dr/caut. leaving racetrack early
D/CLS driver cautioned late to starting point
D/CN driver cautioned noise
D/CNOC driver cautioned not on course by app.ti
D/COOC driver cautioned whip out of contention
D/CPR driver cautioned late in parade ring
D/CSG driver cautioned shifting ground
D/CSL driver cautioned sprint lane
D/CSP driver cautioned starting position
D/CSU driver cautioned score up
D/CT driver cautioned tightening
D/CTALK driver cautioned talking
D/CUA drver caution unapproved gear activation
D/CUBSI driver cautioned behaviour in stew inq.
D/CUW driver cautioned unapproved whip use
D/CW driver cautioned whip
D/CWFS driver cautioned whip use from start
D/CWHIP driver cautioned whip action
D/CWOC driver cautioned whip outside confines
D/CWUSR d/c whip use when foot not in sulky rest
D/CXA driver cautioned extravagant action
D/CXW driver cautioned excessive use of whip
D/F driver fined
D/F$ driver fined $
D/FSS driver fined slow sectionals
D/FUW driver fined unapproved whip use
D/FWA driver fined whip action
D/R driver reprimanded
D/RC driver rep. crossing
D/RCMP driver rep. contacted marker pegs
D/RDF driver rep. dropped foot
D/RDS driver rep. delayed start
D/RDSO driver rep. disobeying stewards orders
D/RDWIR driver rep. driving where insufficient r
D/RE driver rep. evidence
D/REP driver rep. easing pace
D/RFE driver rep. giving false & misleading ev
D/RFRHCG rep. fail restrain horse to correct gait
D/RHC driver rep. half carting
D/RJ driver rep. jostling
D/RL driver rep. language
D/RLAR driver rep. looking around
D/RLC driver rep. lack of control
D/RLJ driver rep. lack of judgement
D/RN driver rep. noise
D/RNOC driver rep. not on course in time
D/RPR driver rep. late in parade ring
D/RSG driver rep. shifting ground
D/RSL driver rep. sprint lane
D/RSP driver rep. starting position
D/RSU driver rep. score up
D/RT driver rep. tightening
D/RTALK driver rep. talking
D/RTEL driver reprimanded use of mobile telepho
D/RUBSI driver rep. behaviour in stewards inq.
D/RW driver rep. whip
D/S driver suspended
D/S12W driver suspended 12 weeks
D/S1W driver suspended 1 week
D/S2W driver suspended 2 weeks
D/S3M driver suspended 3 months
D/S3W driver suspended 3 weeks
D/S4W driver suspended 4 weeks
D/S5W driver suspended 5 weeks
D/S6M driver suspended 6 months
D/S6W driver suspended 6 weeks
D/S7W driver suspended 7 weeks
D/S8W driver suspended 8 weeks
D/SCI driver suspended causing interference
D/SUD driver suspended unacceptable drive
D/SUW driver suspended unapproved whip use
D/SWA driver suspended whip action
DBB dropped bell boot
DF dropped foot
DFTR deafeners failed to release
DH dead heat
DISQ disqualified
DIST distanced
DKB dropped knee boot
DKBX2 dropped both knee boots
DR dropped rein
DS delayed start
DSB dropped shin boot
DW dropped whip
DWIR drive where insufficient room
EUTH euthanased
FB fractious at barrier
FBS fractious before start
FELL fell
FF failed to finish
FG faulty gear
FIM forced inside markers
FRW forced runner wide
FSU fractious in score up
FT flat tyre
FTC failed to circle
FTSU failed to score up
FUR Follow Up Report
FW forced wide
GE galloped excessively
GF gear failure
GG Gave ground over concluding stages
GO galloped out
GS gate speed
HI hung in
HIAS hung in after start
HISU hung in score up
HIUP hung in under pressure
HO hung out
HOAS hung out after start
HOSU hung out score-up
HOUP hung out under pressure
HT hair sample taken
HU held up
HUE held up early
HUL held up late
INC inconvenienced
INCAS inconvenienced after start
INCSU inconvenienced score up
INQADJ inquiry adjourned
J jostled
JMP jumped marker pegs
JO jumped object
JS jumped shadow
JSS jumped sideways at start
L led
L1OP lost 1st on protest
L2OP lost 2nd on protest
L3OP lost 3rd on protest
L4OP lost 4th on protest
L5OP lost 5th on protest
L6OP lost 5th on protest
LCD last chance in draw
LCMS last chance mobile starts
LCRC last chance to race competitively
LCRT last chance to race truly
LCSS last chance standing starts
LD lost driver
LM lost mudguard
LTW lost toe weight
LW locked wheels
M 1600 metres
MFT mudguard fouled tyre
MR monte
MVS moving start
NAR no abnormalities rep.
NAT no action taken
NCOT notification of change of tactics
NCR no clear run
NQ not qualified
NRMR nomination refused metro
NTR new track record
ODM out of draw mobile starts
ODS out of draw standing starts
OIR obtained inside run
OLM outside leader last mile
OLT outside leader throughout
OPS out of position at start
P paced
PAS paced after start
PB paced and broke
PBAS paced and broke after start
PBSU paced and broke in score-up
PH pulled hard
PHSU pulled hard in score-up
PL protest lodged
PL1D protest lodged 1st dismissed
PL1U protest lodged 1st upheld
PL2D protest lodged 2nd dismissed
PL2U protest lodged 2nd upheld
PL3D protest lodged 3rd dismissed
PL3U protest lodged 3rd upheld
PL4D protest lodged 4th dismissed
PL4U protest lodged fourth upheld
PL5D protest lodged 5th dismissed
PL5U protest lodged 5th upheld
PL6D protest lodged 6th dismissed
PL6U protest lodged 6th upheld
PLD protest lodged dismissed
PLS protest lodged start
PLSD protest lodged start dismissed
PMS pre meeting swab
PP performed poorly
PRB post race blood test
PRBT post race blood test
PRO Promoted
PRP pins released prematurely
PRS pre race swab
PRU pre race urine
PSTB post race blood test
PSU paced in score up
PU pulled up
QDT quer driving tactics
QIP query improved performance
QM qualified mobiles
QPP query poor performance
QS qualified stands
QUER run queried
QUERDT query driving tactics
QUERGEAR query gear
QUERIP query improved performance
QUERNOTED query noted
QUERP query performance
QUERPP query poor performance
RAS restrained after start
RBS reared before start
RE raced erratically
REAS raced erratically after start
REL relegated
RES restrained early stages
RESU raced erratically during the score-up
REUP raced erratic under pressure
RF raced fiercely
RFAS raced fiercely after start
RFB reared and fell before start
RFS reared and fell at start
RFSU raced fiercely score-up
RG raced greenly
RGAS raced greenly after start
RGSU raced greenly score up
RGUP raced greenly under pressure
RMS restrained middle stages
RODM right outside draw in mobile starts
RODS right outside draw in standing starts
RR raced roughly
RRAS raced roughly after start
RRSU raced roughly in score up
RRUP raced roughly under pressure
RS reared at the start
RSU refused to score-up
RTR restrained to rear
SC severely checked
SCAS severely checked after start
SCBAS severely checked & broke after start
SCF severley checked and fell
SCOPE endoscopic exam
SCS severley checked at start
SCT sulky contacted
SD10D stood down 10 days
SD14D stood down 14 days
SD14D1T sd 14 days & 1 trial
SD14D2T stood down 14 days & 2 trials
SD1T stood down 1 trial
SD21D stood down 21 days
SD28D stood down 28 days
SD28D2T stood down 28 days and 2 trials
SD28D3T stood down 28 days & 3 trials
SD28D4T stood down 28 days & 4 trials
SD2T stood down 2 trials
SD30D stood down 30 days
SD3D stood down 3 days
SD3M stood down 3 months
SD3M2T stood down 3 months & 2 trials
SD3T Stood down 3 trials
SD4D Stood Down 4 days
SD4T stood down 4 trials
SD56D stood down 56 days
SD5D stood down 5 days
SD6D stood down 6 days
SD7D stood down 7 days
SD8D stood down 8 days
SD9D stood down 9 days
SDDAY stood down day meetings
SDECG stood down electrocardiograph
SDEND stood down endoscopic report
SDI stood down indefinitely
SDL stood down life
SDMS stood down mobile starts
SDMS2T stood down mobile starts 2 trials
SDMS4T stood down mobile starts 4 trials
SDSS stood down standing start races
SDSS1T stood down standing starts 1 trial
SDVC stood down vet certificate
SDVETS stood down vets
SFF stood flat footed
SFTR shorteners failed to release
SGS showed gate speed
SHD shied
SHI shifted in
SHO shifted out
SHOAS shifted out after start
SIAS shifted in after start
SIUP shifted in under pressure
SL surrendered lead
SLE surrendered lead early
SLM surrendered lead middle
SO slowly out
SOAS shifted out after start
SOUP shifted out under pressure
SPELL spell
SPS sprung shoe
SS slow sectional
SSS swung sideways at start
SSU slow to score up
ST Saliva Test
STOP Race stopped & rerun
SWAB swabbed
T tightened
T/CAT trainer cautioned incorrect attire
T/CB trainer cautioned re. brands
T/CC trainer cautioned clearance of horse
T/CCON trainer cautioned re. conduct
T/CDC Trainer Cautioned Dress Code
T/CFNCT tr caution fail to notify change tactics
T/CG trainer cautioned gear
T/CHLU trainer cautioned horse left unattended
T/CHN Trainer cautioned head number
T/CHUS tr caut horse with unlicenced stablehand
T/CLB trainer cautioned no lead bit
T/CLDC trainer cautioned late driver change
T/CLDN caution late driver notification
T/CNAC trainer cautioned no rac
T/CPR trainer cautioned late in parade ring
T/CSH trainer cautioned re: horses shoes
T/CT trainer cautioned tactics
T/F trainer fined
T/F$ trainer fined $
T/FNAC trainer fined no rac
T/R trainer reprimanded
T/RDNOC trainer rep. failing to notify dvr
T/RHUS tr rep. horse with unlicenced stablehand
T/RIG trainer rep. insufficient gear
T/RLDC trainer rep. late driver change
T/RPR trainer rep. late in parade ring
T/RTEL trainer rep. use of mobile telephone
TF trailed field
TIRE tired latter stages
TNP took no part
TOB tongue over bit
TOS trod on shoe
TRCODM trainers request continue ODM
TRCODS trainer request continue ODS
TRCRODM trainer request continue RODM
TRCRODS trainer request continue RODS
TRRODM trainer req. right out of draw mobile
TRRODS trainer req. right out of draw stand
UCL unsuccessfully contested lead
UHT unable to handle track
USL used sprint lane
UTHL unable to hold lead
UW unacceptable whip
VI veered in
VO veered out
VXAH vet exam aged horse
VXAR vets examination after race
VXBR vets examination before race
VXLS vet exam lifetime starts
W1 three wide without cover at bell
W10 4 wide and 1 back at bell
W11 4 wide and 2 back at bell
W2 3 wide and 1 back at bell
W3 3 wide and 2 back at bell
W4 3 wide and 3 back at bell
W5 4 wide at bell
W6 3 wide and 4 back at bell
W7 3 wide and 5 back at bell
W8 5 wide at bell
W9 6 wide at bell
WC withstood challenge
WF worked forward
WI warning issued
WP withstood protest