Explanation of Stewards Comments (Queensland)
1 leader at bell
10 1 out 4 back at bell
11 6th fence at bell
12 1 out 5 back at bell
13 7th fence at bell
14 1 out 6 back at bell
15 8th fence at bell
16 1 out 7 back at bell
17 1 out 7 back at bell
18 1 out 8 back at bell
1WK 1 Week
2 death seat at bell
20 1 out 9 back at bell
2WK 2 Weeks
3 behind leader at bell
3W 3 wide throughout
3WE 3 wide early stages
3WEM 3 wide early and middle stages
3WEMT 3 wide early and middle stage with trail
3WET 3 wide early with trail
3WL 3 wide late
3WLT 3 wide late with trail
3WM 3 wide middle stages
3WML 3 wide middle and latter stages
3WMLT 3 wide middle/latter stages with trail
3WMT 3 wide middle stages with trail
3WT 3 wide trail
4 1 out 1 back at bell
4WE 4 wide early stages
4WK 4 Weeks
4WL 4 wide latter stages
4WLT 4 wide late with trail
4WM 4 wide middle stages
5 3rd fence at bell
5WE 5 wide early
6 1 out 2 back at bell
7 4th fence at bell
8 1 out 3 back at bell
9 5th fence at bell
ABS Assisted before Start
AF Atrial Fibrillation
AI adjourned inquiry
B broke
B1N Bled one nostril
B2 bled 2nd time stood down life
BAS broke after start
BFB barefoot behind
BFS beaten for speed
BG broke gear
BIF Barefoot in front
BL Bell lap
BLED bled
BLU blundered
BMD back in mobile draw
BOC body outside confines of sulky
BS broke at start
BSCL barrier strands caught legs
BSCS barrier strands caught sulky
BSD back in standing start draw
BSU broke in score up
BSUE Broke in early stages score up
BUP broke under pressure
BW buckled wheel
BX2 broke twice in running
BX3 broke three times in running
BX4 broke four times in running
C checked
CA cardiac arrythmia
CAS checked after start
CB checked and broke
CD choked down
CF crossfired
CFS caused false start
CFSX2 caused false start twice
CI caused interference
CLD careless driving
CLM claimed
CMP contacted marker pegs
CMPX2 Contact marker pegs twice in running
CODM continue odm
CODS continue ods
COS contacted own sulky with hind leg
COTLA change of tactics less aggressivel
COTMA change of tactics more aggressive
COTR change of tactics restrain
CP cast plate
CR condition reported
CRODM continue rodm
CRODS continue rods
CS checked at start
CSHOE cast shoe
CSU checked score-up
CT Caused Tightening
CTBA contacted barrier arm
CTS contacted sulky
CW caught wide
CWE caught wide early
CX2 checked twice in running
D/C driver cautioned
D/F driver fined
D/R driver reprimanded
D/REP Driver rep. easing pace
D/S Driver suspended
D/SD driver stood down
DBB dropped bell boot
DBBX2 dropped two bell boots
DD driver dislodged
DF dropped foot
DFTR deafeners failed to release
DH dead heat
DISQ disqualified
DIST distanced
DKB dropped knee boot
DKBX2 dropped both knee boots
DMB dropped murphy blind
DNQ Did not qualify
DNR declared non runner
DR dropped rein
DRP Driver Replaced
DS delayed start
DSB dropped shin boot
DUS driver unseated momentarily
DW dropped whip
EN explanation noted
EOL started extreme outside line
ESL enter sprint lane
ETN Euthanised
FB fractious at barrier
FBS fractious before start
FELL fell
FF failed to finish
FG faulty gear
FNT Fail to notify intended tactics
FR To be freshened up
FRW force runner wide
FSU fractious in score-up
FT flat tyre
FT2 two flat tyres
FTC Failed to circle
FTF failed to finish
FW forced wide
GE galloped excessively
GF gear failure
GG gave ground over concluding stages
GM Gear Malfunction
GO galloped out
GOLR Galloped Over Line Relegated
GR Grass Event
GS gate speed
GSL Gate speed, challenged lead
HC half carting
HEAT Suffering Heat Stress
HI hung in
HIAS hung in after start
HISU hung in score up
HIUP hung in under pressure
HK Hit Knee
HO hung out
HOAS hung out after start
HOSU hung out score-up
HOUP hung out under pressure
HU held up
HUE held up early
HUL held up late
HUVS held up vital stage
IA inquiry adjourned
IG insecure gear
IMP Improper
IMPEDE impeding another runner
INC inconvenienced
INCAS inconvenienced after start
INCS inconvenienced before start
INCSU inconvenienced score up
INCX2 inconvenienced twice in running
J jostling
JIB jibbed
JMP Jumped marker peg
JO jumped object
JS jumped shadow
JSS jumped sideways at start
JSSU jumped shadow score-up
JSU jibbed score up
L led
L1OP lost 1st on protest
L1W Led one wide line
L2OP lost 2nd on protest
L3OP lost 3rd on protest
L4OP lost 4th on protest
L5OP lost 5th on protest
LCD last chance in draw
LCMS last chance mobile starts
LCRC last chance to race competitively
LCRT last chance to race truly
LCSS last chance standing starts
LF Less Forward
LM lost mudguard
LP1D lodged protest against 1st, dismissed
LP2D lodged protest against 2nd, dismissed
LP3D lodged protest against 3rd, dismissed
LP4D lodged protest against 4th, dismissed
LR Loose Reining
LS Locked stays
LW locked wheels
LWAS locked wheels after start
LWSU locked wheels score up
MF More Forward
MFT mud guard fouled tyre
MR Multiple Runners
NAD No abnormalities detected
NAT no action taken
NCR no clear run
NCRVS no clear run vital stage
NPE No Pattern Established
NQ Not qualified from trial
NSF no significant findings
ODM out of draw in mobile starts
ODS out of draw in standing starts
OIR obtained inside run
OL Outside leader
OLE Outside leader early
OLT outside leader throughout
OPC out of position at candy pole
OPS out of position at start
OTE obtained trail early
OTL obtained trail late
OTM Obtained trail middle
OTS Outside time standards
OV overraced
P paced
PAP promoted after protest
PAS paced after start
PB paced and broke
PBAS paced and broke after start
PBSU paced and broke score up
PBT post race blood sample
PE pace eased
PFTS passed fit to start
PH pulled hard
PHSU pulled hard in score-up
PL1D protest lodged against 1st dismissed
PL1U Protest lodged against 1st upheld
PL2D protest lodged against 2nd dismissed
PL3D protest lodged against 3rd dismissed
PL4D protest lodged against 4th dismissed
PL5D protest lodged against 5th dismissed
PLD protest lodged dismissed
PLSD protest lodged start dismissed
PLU protest lodged upheld
PP performed poorly
PRB pre-race blood sample
PRO Promoted
PRP Promoted Placing
PRU pre race urine sample
PU pulled up
Q Qualified from trial
QDT query driver tactics
QIP query improved performance
QM Qualified from mobile start
QMS Qualify mobile start
QP Queried performance
QPP query poor performance
QS Qualified from standing start
QSS qualified standing starts
QST Qualified Stewards trial
QUER run queried
RAS restrained at start
REL relegated
RER Race ReRun
RES restrained early stages
RET Retired
RF raced fiercely
RFB reared and fell before start
RFS reared and fell at start
RG raced greenly
RGSU raced greenly score-up
RODM right outside draw in mobile starts
RODS right outside draw in standing starts
RP restrained to a position
RR raced roughly
RRAS raced roughly after start
RRSU raced roughly in score up
RRUP raced roughly under pressure
RS reared at the start
RSU refused to score-up
RT Retook lead
RTR restrained to rear
RU Raced Ungenerously
RW raced wide
RWC raced wide with cover
RWE Raced wide early
RWM Raced wide middle stqges
RWT Raced wide throughout
SAL stepped and led
SB Scratched at barrier
SC severely checked
SCAS severely checked after start
SCT sulky contacted
SD stood down
SD10D stood down 10 days
SD1MT Stood down 1 mobile trial
SD1T stood down 1 trial
SD1T1W stood down 1 trial & 7 days
SD1T2W stood down 1 trial and two weeks
SD2+ECG stood down 2 weeks and ecg
SD21D stood down 21 days
SD28D stood down 28 days
SD2T stood down 2 trials
SD2T2W stood down 2 trials & 2 weeks
SD2V stood down 2 weeks and vet certificate
SD2W stood down 2 weeks
SD30D stood down 30 days
SD3M stood down 3 months
SD3M+1T+VE stood down 3 months and 1 trial and vets
SD3T stood down 3 trials
SD4+2 sd 4 weeks + 2 trials
SD4T stood down 4 trials
SD4W stood down 4 weeks
SD5D stood down 5 days
SD6D stood down 6 days
SD6M stood down 6 months
SD6T stood down 6 trials
SD7D stood down 7 days
SDDAY stood down day meetings
SDECG stood down electrocardiograph
SDEND stood down endoscopic report
SDGRASS Stood down grass tracks only
SDMETRO Stood Down Metro Meetings
SDMS1T stood down mobile start one trial
SDMS2+1 stood down mobile starts 2 weeks & trial
SDMS2T stood down mobile starts 2 trials
SDSS stood down standing start races
SDSS1T stood down standing starts 1 trial
SDSS2+1 stood down standing starts 2 wks & trial
SDSS28D stood down standing start races-28 days
SDSS2T stood down standing starts 2 trials
SDTAB stood down tab meetings
SDTAB2+1 stood down tab meetings, 2 weeks & trial
SDVETS stood down vet certificate
SDWET stood down wet tracks
SEA in season
SFF stood flat footed at start
SFTR hopple shorteners failed to release
SG Shifting Ground
SGAS shifted ground after start
SGS showed gate speed
SGSU shifted ground score up
SHD shied
SHI shifted in
SHO shifted out
SIAS shifted in at start
SIUP shifted in under pressure
SL shout loudly
SLE surrended lead early
SLM surrendered lead middle
SO slowly out
SOAS shifted out after start
SODMT Satisfactory ODM trial
SODST Satisfactory ODS trial
SOSU shifted out in score-up
SOUP shifted out under pressure
SP sprung plate
SPELL spell
SPRR Slow Post-Race Recovery
SRODMT Satisfactory RODM trial
SRODST Satisfactory RODS trial
SRP shortener released prematurely
SS slow sectional
SSS swung sideways at start
SST Satisfactory Stewards trial
SSU slow to score up
SUR surrendered lead
SWAB swabbed
SWIP sulky wheel inside peg
T tightened
T/C273(3) trainer cautioned rule 273(3)
T/F Trainer Fined
T/FIG Trainer Fined Incorrect Gear
T/FWN Trainer Fined present with wrong number
T/R Trainer Reprimanded
T/R273(5) failed to notify gear change
T/RDNOC trainer rep failing to notify driver not
T/RFTNG Trainer rep. - failed to notify gear
T/RIG trainer rep insecure gear
T/RING trainer rep incorrect gear
T/RLDC trainer rep late driver change
T/RLMY trainer rep. late mounting yard
T/RR225 trainer rep failure to supervise horse
T/S3M trainer suspended 3 months
TF trailed field
THU Thumps
TIME outside qualifying time
TIRE tire badly
TKB Turned Knee Boot
TNCP took no competitive part
TNP Took No Part
TO tailed out
TOB tongue over bit
TOS trod on shoe
TR Trainer Request
TR/F Trainer representative fined
UA Unfair advantage
UCL Unsuccessful challenge for lead
UCOL Unsuccessful challenge outside leader
UHT unable to handle track
UHWT unable to handle wet track
UND Unacceptable drive
URP Usual Racing Pattern
USL used sprint lane
UTHL unable to hold lead
UW unacceptable whip
VETS stood down vet's certificate
VXAR vet's examination after race
VXARDC Vet Exam Deceased
VXBR vet's exam before race cleared to start
W1 1st horse 3 wide at bell
W2 2nd horse 3 wide at bell
W3 3rd horse 3 wide at bell
W4 4th horse 3 wide at bell
W5 5th horse 3 wide at bell
W6 6th horse 3 wide at bell
WCL withstood challenge for lead
WCOL withstood challege outside leader
WF worked forward
WFS Worked Forward from the Start
WI warning issued
WP Withstood Protest
WUS Walk Up Start
WW1 1st horse 4 wide at bell
WW2 2nd horse 4 wide at bell